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ACL Tears Specialist

Bluewater Orthopedics

Orthopedic Surgery located in Niceville, FL, Destin, FL & Crestview, FL

Each year, about 100,000-200,000 Americans visit the emergency room for ACL tears. When left untreated, this common sports injury can keep you sidelined, preventing you from living a physically active lifestyle. At Bluewater Orthopedics, the experienced team of orthopedic surgeons provides cutting-edge care for ACL tears. To make an appointment at the practice in Crestview, Destin, or Niceville, Florida call the nearest office or click the online booking tool today.

ACL Tears Q & A

What are ACL tears?

An ACL tear is a soft-tissue injury that affects the anterior cruciate ligament, a strong band of fibrous tissue that connects your thigh bone to your shinbone. Anyone can experience an ACL tear, but it’s especially common in people who play sports that involve jumping, running, or frequent changes of direction.

Minor ACL tears often respond to conservative treatments like rest and physical therapy. More serious tears may require a surgical tendon repair.

Do ACL tears present symptoms?

Common symptoms of ACL tears include:

  • Rapid swelling
  • A feeling of instability in the knee
  • Severe pain
  • Inability to move the affected knee
  • Loss of range of motion

If you suffer an ACL tear, you might also hear a loud popping noise.

When should I visit a doctor about an ACL tear?

If you injure your knee while working or playing sports, make an appointment at Bluewater Orthopedics right away. The knee is a complex joint that includes bones, tendons, ligaments, and other tissues. The sooner you receive a diagnosis, the sooner you can take steps to heal.

What causes ACL tears?

ACL tears happen for various reasons, including:

  • Landing awkwardly after a jump
  • Quickly slowing down and changing direction
  • Stopping suddenly while running
  • Getting hit in the knee

You might also experience an ACL tear if you play basketball and pivot with your foot firmly planted.

How are ACL tears diagnosed?

To diagnose an ACL tear, your Bluewater Orthopedics provider physically examines your knee for signs of swelling or tenderness. They might also ask you to bend your knee or to perform a series of easy exercises to assess your knee’s function and range of motion.

If these steps don’t determine the source of your discomfort, your provider orders an MRI or an ultrasound. These diagnostic imaging procedures provide detailed images of your soft tissues, including the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

How are ACL tears treated?

Treatment of an ACL tear depends on the severity of your symptoms and their effects on your daily life. If you have a minor tear, the team might recommend the RICE protocol, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

More serious tears might require immobilization with a cast, physical therapy, or surgical intervention. During ACL surgery, your provider removes the damaged ligament and replaces it with a healthy one. The healthy tendon comes from your other knee or a human cadaver.

To explore the treatment options for ACL tears, make an appointment at Bluewater Orthopedics by calling the nearest office or by clicking the online booking tool today.